Выборы президента IPF
28 октября в Пуэрто-Рико на Чемпионате мира по пауэрлифтингу состоятся выборы нового президента IPF.
| Johnny A. Graham (USA)
2000 Brother Bennett Award Recipient
2003 Billy Jack Talton Coach of the Year Recipient
Hometown: Killeen, Texas
Weight Class: 110 kgs (242 lbs)
Began Powerlifting: 1974
Interests: Family, Football, Friends, and the Fort Hood and USAPL Masters Powerlifting Team
Sponsors: Inzer, House of Pain, Fort Hood MWR, and the City of Killeen, Texas Convention and Civic Center
- USAPL Vice President July 2003-present
- USAPL Military Chairman 1994-2000
- USAPL Masters Chairman/Coach 2000-present
- USAPL Master National Champion 1993-1999, 2003
- US Army Europe Champion 1987-1989
- Bavarian Champion (Germany) 1989
- 4 times USAPL Military National champion
- WDFPF World Champion
- IPF Silver Medal 1999
- Multi - Military/American/National Records 220/242 lb class
- IPF World Record Squat 711 lbs. Masters II May 2003
| Dietmar Wolf (NOR)
Nation: German citizen, living in Norway since 1994
Positions in IPF, Chairman of Disciplinary Committee,
Member of the Coach Commission,
Member of the Rules Group
Regional Fed., Secretary General EPF
National Fed. --
Intern. Referee Cat --
Age 55 years
civil status -
civil occupation: Employed in the Norwegian Powerlifting Federation (NSF) as Chief advisor for the sports office. Workscope: Head coach, research, trainer education and developing training programs
| Gaston Parage (LUX)
Nation: Luxemburg
Positions in IPF, Treasurer and Championship secretary
Regional Fed.,
National Fed. FLHLP Luxemburg
Intern. Referee Cat Cat I
Age 52
civil occupation Employed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luxemburg